Monday, June 2, 2008

Home made acne masks and how to stop acne and grow facial hair

Eating carrots will provide beta carotene or vitamin A to your body. This strengthens the protective tissue of the skin and also prevents acne. It reduces the production of sebum. This vitamin is an essential ingredient for the maintenance and repair of the tissue that the skin and mucous membranes are made off. It is also a powerful antioxidant that helps your body get rid of body toxins. Remember that deficiency of vitamin A can result in acne.
There are different types of acne and different types of skin disorders that can appear as acne. You should know what types of acne you are dealing with before deciding on an acne product or treatment. You'll hear terms like acne vulgaris, cystic acne, Rosacea, and others.
Acne is caused by pores on the skin becoming blocked by bacteria that find their way in, which causes swellings, spots, and red lesions to appear, usually on the face and neck. There is increasing evidence that acne may be hereditary, so see if you can find any pictures of your father and if necessary lay all the blame on him. As this is such a widespread problem, a whole commercial industry has sprung up over the years, with many people making absolute fortunes on the back of others' misfortunes.
tags: questino to ask patient about acne, really dry face in winter how to prevent and acne, how to get rid of acne and pimples fast

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