Monday, August 4, 2008

Causes cystic acne and topical acne products safe during pregnancy

• Microdermabrasion - Removing dead surface skin cells not only helps reveal more youthful, healthy skin located underneath the outer surface of the skin, but it helps reduce the occurrence of acne as well. Dead skin cells can block hair follicles and contribute to a skin condition in which acne thrives.
Acne is generally caused by an overworked liver, and Acnezine treats acne at this level. The liver helps regulate hormone levels, specifically androgens in the blood stream, so when it's overworked, your androgens can get out of whack. An overworked liver is the result of toxins and free radicals. Toxins and free radicals abound in the blood stream and it's the livers job to clean them up. Unfortunately, these toxins and free radicals damage the liver, making it harder to do its job. While the liver can repair itself, it has a tough time handling all of the work that coming in, cleaning the blood stream, balancing hormones, and regenerating, and it finds it tough to keep up. This is the cause of acne; when your liver is overworked, you end up with too many androgens in your system, which increase the production of sebum, the oil in the skin which causes acne. You naturally have a certain level of sebum in your skin, it's when your hormones get unbalanced that you have problems; this is why so many teens have acne problems during adolescence.
Acne strikes the young and the old, the clean and the unclean, the rich and the poor...essentially this is a stubborn skin condition that all of us have struggled with. The reasons for developing severe acne are unclear, and while there are many theories to explain the condition there are still many of us left wondering how to treat the scars left behind after the skin finally clears up.
tags: how to get rid of back acne, clean&clear advantage acne control kit, acne natural treatment

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